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Forum - Thema: offtopic-thread in english (about everything)

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Thema: offtopic-thread in english (about everything)
Autor Beitrag

Beitrag #1.301 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
As I already mentioned in another conversation with IndiaHouse, I will attend a secondary school to make my general qualification for university entrance. A social pedagogy one :')

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Beitrag #1.302 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
That sounds interesting. So you will work with kids later?


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Beitrag #1.303 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
No not really. As the name implies it's a general school. So I can make everything after that. For example study for a counselor at law or for something completly different like medicine. Everything I want :')

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Beitrag #1.304 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Wow.. :) It wouldn`t be something for me. I am more interested in design and digital workout


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Beitrag #1.305 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
I could also study this you mentioned :') But if it were up to me, I would like to become something which really matches to me e.g. interpreter, psychologist or journalist and accordingly news(wo)man.

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Beitrag #1.306 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Journalism seems very interesting. I go to a university next month. The have a opened day for visitors and maybe I will visit this theme


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Beitrag #1.307 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Really? That sounds very ambitious! I wish you good luck for that!

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Beitrag #1.308 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Thank you. Hmm how is your love life?


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Beitrag #1.309 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
I wonder why you're asking this of all questions. Mh.. I'm don't have a love life acutally and what about yours?

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Beitrag #1.310 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
I don`t know. I get this questions every day and for the first time I wanted to ask them someone else :D Sorry. I`m not good at small talk.

My love life is ok.. I am still in love, but I don`t trust guys anymore.


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Beitrag #1.311 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
If this is your imagination to make a classic small-talk that you should work on your social skills!! - Just kidding :') I tried to sound like Shane West in his role Landon in 'A walk to remember'. Höhö. Not to fly off on a tangent: Don't trust anyone! The world has got mean gaps where often are mean traps. That's one of my slogans :')

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Beitrag #1.312 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Smily "lach" That was really convincing Smily "top"


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Beitrag #1.313 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
And strong.

Can I ask you a question?

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Beitrag #1.314 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Of course


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Beitrag #1.315 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Can you tell me your own objective opinion about my English? I really would like to know it. I just wanna have a review of that goddamned gossips I'm talking here. And don't forget: You should write as a completly objective third-party outsider with absolutely no personal interest in a matter :') I love that sentence! It sucks.

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Beitrag #1.316 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
I like your english. It sounds very professional, incommensurable with mine. Especially your word choice lets you appear very adult.


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Beitrag #1.317 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Oh god I color. I'm embarrassed. Thank you soooo much for this compliment!

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Beitrag #1.318 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
No problem ;) It`s the truth. I have to go in some minutes. I just forgot, that I have to do my correct of the english exam.


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Beitrag #1.319 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Haha! I also always forget to do my correction! I wanted to tell you incidentally that I added you to my buddy list. I wonder why you weren't there till now.

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Beitrag #1.320 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Oh thanks :) I will add you too, of course. So I wish you a great evening Smily "bussi" See you Smily "winke"


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Beitrag #1.321 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Cheese it ;'D I also have to buzz off! Bye bye same to you and thanks for that great and looong conversation with you! We made things hum. Sleep well and sweet dreams.

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Beitrag #1.322 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Anybody here? ~.^

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.323 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Hi Smily "winke"

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Beitrag #1.324 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Hey MrsKhanSmily "thanks"

How are you? Smily "smile"

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.325 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Heyy... actually extraordinary well thanks Smily "blendax" How are you? Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #1.326 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Oh, and could I ask why you are so happy?Smily "smilesmile"

I'm pretty well...Just tired. It's 04:29 am here at the end of the world xD

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.327 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Smily "smile" I cut my hair today ( a bit...) and I like it... reason enough to be happy Smily "smilesmile"
oh and you can't sleep? or just don't want to? Smily "wink"

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Beitrag #1.328 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Oh cool...Smily "smilesmile" I also cut my hair last week. And I'm more than happy xDD

Well I did sleep..But I woke up around 03:40 am xD

So what are you doing right now?

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.329 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Smily "smilesmile" did you totally change your hairstyle or also just... slightly? ^^
at least you got some sleep... I thought you were up all night
umm..listening to music and changed my profile pictures on MySpace and another page I'm signed in...
and you're just... chilling I guess? Smily "smile" I mean since is so..early in the morning ^^

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Beitrag #1.330 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Well I changed it totally. Before my hair were so thick and just how can I say...Hmm..."normal".
Then I went to a Korean hairstylist. She only does special hairstyle. I showed her a picture from Teru (he is a member of the Japanese rock-band Versailles) and she did it! There are a few pics in the "Bilder von euch..." Thread...Smily "smilesmile"

Oh no, thank god I got some sleep xD Well I'm a little bit "bored". I'm just here in the Forum and in Netlog. And MSN...but nobody's writing -.-'

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.331 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
wow so you had the courage to do that... cutting ahir is always such a touchy topic Smily "lach" ah ok I'll check them outSmily "smilesmile"
I can imagine that... no one's online due to the time... Smily "tutmirleid" do you have a MySpace account by chance? just wondering ^^

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Beitrag #1.332 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
I like experiment...Smily "smilesmile" I already know the next hairstyle I will do xD It will be shorter ^.^ I don't care what people think, as long as I'm happy with it. Once I went to ah philippine hair salon. Well I showed them a pic from Shin (the drummer of the german band Cinema Bizarre) but they ruined it. The korean (her name is Luce by the way ^.^) complained a lot xD But she fixed it. And anyways the women in the philippine salon, they weren't so friendly. I just sat there and they cut my hair. But in the Korean salon. We talked a lot about life, school, love and so on. I got free coffee ^.^ and they even gave me a pillow so it was more comfortable to sit xDD

Well there are many who are online..But they are all busy -.-'
Not yet. I didn't have the time yet to do a MySpace account. I think I need a free weekend. I think it will take a while ^^

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.333 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
ohh already new plans? Smily "smilesmile" oh heard of them (I mean Cinema Bizarre) but can't recall what the drummer looks like ^^ I never tried to explain what I want with a picture...but that's an awesome idea... well, then it's better you stick to that salon now... Smily "lach" I always thought it's chliche that the people at beauty/hair salons love to talk about everything but it seems to be true.. ^^

busy...in the morning... Smily "eek2" Smily "smilesmile"
oh well MySpace is not thaaaaat.... exciting ^^ I just love the fact I can somehow contact my favorite artists ^^
hmm free time could never be wrong, no matter for what ^^

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Beitrag #1.334 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Yes...Smily "smilesmile" But I will wait a few months xD Well he looks like a girl xD Like the Japanese "Rockstars" xD Kinda Anime-Look ^.^ I started showing pictures last year. It's easier for me, because it's so hard to explain what I want xD
Yes, never other salons. From now on only Luce Hair Café ~.^
Thank god it's true. I really like talking ^.^

Oh next time I should write that my friends from Switzerland are online xD Those from the Philippines of course not xD
Well I like MySpace (even I don't have an account yet xD) I always browse the Sites of my favourite Band ^.^

Oh yes...Free time right now would be great. This week are the midterm exams. Tomorrow the first exams will start. I didn't study at all. Smily "dumdidum"

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.335 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
I know... a friend of mine listens to some of the Japanese bands, too (what was it... An Cafe?) hmm If I think about it I wouldn't know whose picture I could show? ^^
I do, too... preferably to people who love talking as well, else it gets boring just talking with no response Smily "lach"

ah ok now I understand ^^ yes it's quiet useful; I also discovered some new music through Myspace ^^
you didn't study... ohh... anyway good luck Smily "smile" which subject's up first?

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Beitrag #1.336 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Aaaii An Cafe

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.337 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
they're quite popular I suppose ^^ it's more about the person, not the actual pic... e.g. my grandma always tells me I look like Amy Winehouse with my hair Smily "lach" not my intention...
is it a magazine for rock in general or a particular rock-subgenre? Where there any famous bands or more the.. newcomers?
pretty optimistic Smily "smilesmile" (keep it up Smily "top" ) ohh Housekeeping... sound nice at least... is it?Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #1.338 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Well here they are not...The people here really loves to listen to mainstream music. -.-'
Amywine House?? ok...xD

Well in this magazin it's about..general rock. But also metal and gothic and stuff like that. They have famous Bands/Artists (like Linkin Park, Metallica, Bullet For My Valentine etc.), not so famous Bands/Artists (Aiden, Emilie Autumn, Disco Ensemble) and totally new comer. Like Matenrou Opera (Japanese Rock Band) I loved that magazin. Unfortunately I cannot buy it here :(
I miss it.

Me and optimistic? Smily "lach" I don't think so xD Well Housekeeping hm..it's about cleaning room in a hotel etc xD

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.339 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Here they are only popular among the Japan-loving people (the city I live in officially has the largest number of Japanese citizens outside of Japan...so^^)
ehm ya... Amy Smily "eek"

sounds good Smily "smile" But it's not cheap I guess? I still read the free music magazines I get at some stores, because I think the magazines like The Rolling Stone and stuff are just tooo expensiveSmily "tutmirleid"

my impression Smily "smilesmile" well it's not bad knowing that... compared to other useless stuff you have to learn at school...

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Beitrag #1.340 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Düsseldorf? Largest number of Japanese citizens outside of Japan??? I will go there Smily "lach" I really love Japanese Bands...And I want to go to Japan I also just started learning Japanese ^.^

Its 10 Francs (so i guess 5 Euro)...or maybe a little bit more. But it's only once a month. It sucks. Here they don't even have The Rolling Stone. Once I found the Guitar World magazin. And then after one month I went back to get the new issue and they said, they don't get it every month -.-'

Yes it's better than History Smily "lach"...But actually I want to work at the Reception..^^

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.341 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
yes it is Smily "smilesmile" ok I think there are no local Japanese bands here...but an entire street with Japanese stores, restaurants and all that Smily "wink"

ok that's already too much for a magazine... ^^ at least something... and you can find anything online all the big magazines have nice pages... but I know, I also prefer holding the magazine in my hand to read itSmily "smilesmile"

ok History could be useful...for a quizshow Smily "lach" so you've chosen Housekeeping because of that or you had to attend it?

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Beitrag #1.342 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Aaaii I really have to come to your place one day Smily "bounce"

Yes it's expensive but oh well. Now I'm saving money because here aren't any good magazines...

I don't like History at all xD I'm always sleeping Smily "lach"
Well Housekeeping is part of the Hotel-Restaurant-Management. I have to do it.

By the way: What school are you in?Smily "smile"

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.343 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
please do come ... it's a nice city besides the Japanese attractions ^^
yes that's a good thing, too... spend it on an even better purpose Smily "smilesmile"

I used to like it but it's boring repeating the Hitler-story in every grade since the 9th Smily "achja"
at least you have a plan which job-direction to take Smily "wink"

I'm in Gymnasium... I'll (hopefully...) graduate next year but still don't really know what to do after that ^^

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Beitrag #1.344 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
I will come...Smily "smilesmile" Is it far away from Switzerland?Smily "kopfkratz"

I already did. I ordered 3 CDs. They should arrive this Friday...Smily "smilesmile"

Oh I hate this Stories Smily "doesen"
Well my actually dream-job is still to become a professional drummer xD

Oh. Then good luck ;)

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.345 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
mhh... it's pretty much in the middle of Germany... about 500 kilometres to Switzerland I would say...
much better way to spend money Smily "smilesmile"

yay especially when you have to repeat that over and over...
like...in a band? Well I started playing the guitar 2 weeks ago... maybe we start a band some day Smily "lachlach"

thanks Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #1.346 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
oh ok..then I have to wait a few years maybe. Because that's too far. I'm going to Switzerland this April that's why I asked.

Oh yes...Smily "smilesmile"

Well a band would be great. But it's not necessary for me. I wanted to have band with my friend. She also started learning the Guitar. But she told me she never practice and in the moment she's not interested. Well nevermind.

I startet Drums last August. I can say, I'm pretty good. I already have to learn a Metallica Song...Smily "eek2"

You're welcome...Smily "smilesmile"

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.347 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
yes and probably not cheap to come here by train... anyway I'd love to visit Switzerland, I've bee to Austria but never to CH Smily "achja"

so you just started out of fun for no special purpose (yet) Smily "wink"
is it difficult? playing an instrument always looks so easy... but when you try... Smily "eek" but I really want to keep it up and get some skills on my guitar it's fun ^^
Smily "wink"

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Beitrag #1.348 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Yes that's the problem...Oh you have to come to CH one day ^.^

Well actually no. I'm interested to drums since I was seven years old. But it was never possible. Until last year. Well for me it's not that difficult xD It depends on a person. But even if you don't really have talent you can learn it. Matt Heafy from Trivium said, he has not the natural talent. He just practiced every day 4 hours. And what happen? He got into the Musicbusiness when he was 16/17 and even before had even an album and a labeldeal he won the Metal Awards for best Guitarplayer!

Yeah I also like experimenting ^^ I also play Piano. But not that much xD I'm interested in Bass...but we have not enough money Smily "achja"


Well I'm sorry. Gotta go now. Smily "tutmirleid" Write you next time, thx for the nice chatSmily "zwinker"Smily "thanks" Smily "winke"

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.349 - erstellt: 20. Januar 2009
I'm planning to... right after a visit to London ^^
do you practise at home? yes practice makes perfect (that's a song title....just came to my mind now^^). I was a bit worried because I started kinda late...I'm already 18 ^^

oh I'd be interested in both...but I think Bass is more if you really want to join a band... my opinion ^^
I plan to get myself an electric guitar when I get better--- maybe if I start working or smth. and save money ^^

EDIT oh I just saw it... ok good night if you get back to sleep and see ya next time Smily "winke"

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Beitrag #1.350 - erstellt: 20. Januar 2009
What? Both of you cut your hair? Well. I'm not able to do that actually. I rather like to have it cut.

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