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Forum - Thema: offtopic-thread in english (about everything)

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Thema: offtopic-thread in english (about everything)
Autor Beitrag

Beitrag #1.151 - erstellt: 04. Oktober 2008
Zitat von Derya21:
im cooking vegetables yeeah Smily "smilesmile" Smily "smilesmile"

i hate vegetables xD

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.152 - erstellt: 04. Oktober 2008
Zitat von Lora:
Zitat von Derya21:
Do you know the name of my boyfriend ?? Smily "smilesmile" Smily "smilesmile"

Let me guess: Arda TuranSmily "smilesmile"

yeaaaah Smily "top"

[center]back to Bollywood :D

[i]Because the World keeps spinning around...
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Beitrag #1.153 - erstellt: 04. Oktober 2008
Zitat von thanae:
Right now, I am listening to
Nau-Ashta (but of course I have a better quality version)

I can't hear it because the Computer hasn't got sound...
I'm listening with the iPod

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Beitrag #1.154 - erstellt: 04. Oktober 2008
Zitat von IndiaHouse:
Zitat von Derya21:
im cooking vegetables yeeah Smily "smilesmile" Smily "smilesmile"

i hate vegetables xD

i like it lol Smily "smilesmile"
ive got to eat some healthy thing and so because i ate only chips and chocolate yesterday and so on Smily "smilesmile"

[center]back to Bollywood :D

[i]Because the World keeps spinning around...
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Beitrag #1.155 - erstellt: 04. Oktober 2008
Oh yaar.. I can understand that. I think you are just in a turning point of your life and of course it will became very difficult.
In the moment I am also afraid of school but I already knew my disabled classmates... and I am happy to loose them after a year.
Then I will also go to a other school where everyone is new.. ya ya days will come
I hope you'll do that and I am sure that you will find good friends because you are a very interesting person and you are also very funny.. there aren't a lot of people in the world who are like you... understand what I mean? :)

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Beitrag #1.156 - erstellt: 04. Oktober 2008
@derya i still hate it Smily "lach"

@pasanti who do you mean?Smily "angst"

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.157 - erstellt: 04. Oktober 2008
Zitat von IndiaHouse:
Zitat von Derya21:
im cooking vegetables yeeah Smily "smilesmile" Smily "smilesmile"

i hate vegetables xD

me too

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Beitrag #1.158 - erstellt: 04. Oktober 2008
Oh I am sorry. What gossips XD I mean my best friend nicole.. I think she wrote it here before... this damn girl! She told me she wrote something about the school... something we talked last time about. Whatever, anyway...

Can we talk together???

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Beitrag #1.159 - erstellt: 04. Oktober 2008
I loooove vegetables, Derya. You're not alone. Smily "smilesmile"

Oh, that was random, Pasanti93. But HELLO first of all. Smily "winke"


Die Farbe deiner Stimme, der Ton in deinem Blick,
der Klang in deinen Augen, den vergess ich nicht.
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Beitrag #1.160 - erstellt: 04. Oktober 2008
@pasanti we could...but i have to go in 5 minutesSmily "tutmirleid"

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.161 - erstellt: 04. Oktober 2008
Hello... :) Emm do you know the punjabi band Hunterz???

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Beitrag #1.162 - erstellt: 04. Oktober 2008
@pasanti im sorry..but i dont know them...i really listen to indian music very seldom

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.163 - erstellt: 04. Oktober 2008
HiSmily "winke" Pasanti93 How are you?

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Beitrag #1.164 - erstellt: 04. Oktober 2008
Zitat von Pasanti93:
Hello... :) Emm do you know the punjabi band Hunterz???

Ohhh, I know and I just loooooove them. " Tere Bina" or "Hare Hare" Smily "bananana"


Die Farbe deiner Stimme, der Ton in deinem Blick,
der Klang in deinen Augen, den vergess ich nicht.
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Beitrag #1.165 - erstellt: 04. Oktober 2008
well guys i have to go now, bybye wish u a nice day, nd for me a nice night Smily "lach" write you tomorrowSmily "thanks" Smily "winke"

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.166 - erstellt: 04. Oktober 2008
Zitat von IndiaHouse:
well guys i have to go now, bybye wish u a nice day, nd for me a nice night Smily "lach" write you tomorrowSmily "thanks" Smily "winke"

good nightSmily "winke" and sleep well

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Beitrag #1.167 - erstellt: 04. Oktober 2008
Bye, IndiaMouse. Sweet dreams. Smily "winke" Smily "thanks"


Die Farbe deiner Stimme, der Ton in deinem Blick,
der Klang in deinen Augen, den vergess ich nicht.
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Beitrag #1.168 - erstellt: 04. Oktober 2008
I have to go, too! Wish you all a nice day!Smily "winke"

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Beitrag #1.169 - erstellt: 04. Oktober 2008
bye india...!Smily "winke"

sry guys my computer is abgestürzt Smily "smilesmile" and ive got to go now tooSmily "tutmirleid"

byeee Smily "thanks"

[center]back to Bollywood :D

[i]Because the World keeps spinning around...
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Beitrag #1.170 - erstellt: 04. Oktober 2008
Zitat von MrsKhan16:
Smily "smilesmile"
oh that would be great, thank you Smily "bussi"

I search, but there are so many episodesSmily "silberblick"I really don´t know in which episodes Halil speaks Bosnian...I´m sorrySmily "nichtgut"But I will look againSmily "smile"

Kücük Kadinlar

Sig gelöscht, da zu breit ... Steena
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Beitrag #1.171 - erstellt: 04. Oktober 2008
HiSmily "winke"
Is anyone here?

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Beitrag #1.172 - erstellt: 05. Oktober 2008
Ya Lora hehe I am here... I am fine thank you and you?


Yeahhh I love them too!!!!!!!!! XD Oh my god the music is so great I know every song of them! Do you also listen to Reasons by Hunterz and UB40 ???

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Beitrag #1.173 - erstellt: 05. Oktober 2008
im also hereSmily "winke"

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.174 - erstellt: 05. Oktober 2008
Hey whats up then?

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Beitrag #1.175 - erstellt: 05. Oktober 2008
Zitat von chica20:
Zitat von MrsKhan16:
Smily "smilesmile"
oh that would be great, thank you Smily "bussi"

I search, but there are so many episodesSmily "silberblick"I really don´t know in which episodes Halil speaks Bosnian...I´m sorrySmily "nichtgut"But I will look againSmily "smile"

ah never mindSmily "smilesmile" thank you anyway Smily "thanks" Smily "wink"

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Beitrag #1.176 - erstellt: 06. Oktober 2008
Hello. Smily "winke"
Are someone here?

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Beitrag #1.177 - erstellt: 06. Oktober 2008
yes im hereSmily "smile"

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.178 - erstellt: 06. Oktober 2008
Hello India. Smily "winke" Smily "thanks" How are you?

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Beitrag #1.179 - erstellt: 06. Oktober 2008
Im ... hmm ... ok... could be better...nd how r u?

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.180 - erstellt: 06. Oktober 2008
The same like you, I think. My head hurts terrible and I was at the doctor today. I must write a plan for the doctor about the hurts.....

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Beitrag #1.181 - erstellt: 06. Oktober 2008
oh...so hope you'll get well soon Smily "troest" im just in bad mood...

what r u doing right now?

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.182 - erstellt: 06. Oktober 2008
Thank you. Smily "thanks" One question: "bad mood" is translatet in german "schlechte Stimmung", or not?

After I sleep the day (very very long Smily "lach") , I am here in the Forum and eat my chocolat....

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Beitrag #1.183 - erstellt: 06. Oktober 2008
yap thats right...

hmhm chocolate...well sry i have to go nowSmily "tutmirleid"

write u next timeSmily "thanks" have a nice daySmily "winke"

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.184 - erstellt: 06. Oktober 2008
Ok bye.
See you later, sweety. Smily "thanks" Smily "winke"

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Beitrag #1.185 - erstellt: 06. Oktober 2008
Someone here???

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Beitrag #1.186 - erstellt: 06. Oktober 2008
Yes, I'm hereSmily "winke"

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Beitrag #1.187 - erstellt: 11. Oktober 2008
How are you Lora?

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Beitrag #1.188 - erstellt: 11. Oktober 2008
I'm fine... Smily "smilesmile" And you?

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Beitrag #1.189 - erstellt: 11. Oktober 2008
To be honest.... I am just okay thanks.. and what are you doing?

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Beitrag #1.190 - erstellt: 11. Oktober 2008
I'm listening to music... and searching pics of Robert PattinsonSmily "smilesmile" ! Do you know him?
And what are you doing?

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Beitrag #1.191 - erstellt: 11. Oktober 2008
Ya hehe I know him :D I am bored in everthing I do because I don't know what to do actually... I'm here in this forum and in a other bollywood forum. I like it better than this one here. www.Bollywood-legend.com you heard from it? I'm reading the magazin there... it has got its own free online magazin of bollywood.

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Beitrag #1.192 - erstellt: 11. Oktober 2008
I'm going to look this Forum.... I don't know it! Is it in english?

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Beitrag #1.193 - erstellt: 11. Oktober 2008
no its in german :D

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Beitrag #1.194 - erstellt: 11. Oktober 2008
I saw itSmily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #1.195 - erstellt: 11. Oktober 2008
Hehe very nice :D

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Beitrag #1.196 - erstellt: 11. Oktober 2008
Smily "smile" Why do you like it more than this?

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Beitrag #1.197 - erstellt: 11. Oktober 2008
I like it better because it has got a lot of options this forum doesnt have.. for example every member has got his own guestbook and stuff like that. there will be also a playbox on the forum to hear bollywood music while you clicking on the forum and then the magazin and stuff like that! i love it

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Beitrag #1.198 - erstellt: 11. Oktober 2008
^Sorry i was a minute to lateSmily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #1.199 - erstellt: 11. Oktober 2008
Doesn't mind :D

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Beitrag #1.200 - erstellt: 11. Oktober 2008
Sorry but I have to go now...Smily "winke" Bye

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