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Forum - Thema: offtopic-thread in english (about everything)

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Thema: offtopic-thread in english (about everything)
Autor Beitrag

Beitrag #1.251 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
What came off yesterday?

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Beitrag #1.252 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Yesterday was a philippine Festival called Sinulog Festival. And yeah there was a parade, music, dancing and much more. And I think I had a little bit too much beer xD

How about you? How was your weekend?

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.253 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Tut! That's not bad anyhow. I never saw festivals of philippine. It was most certainly very cool, wasn't it? Well, next time keep beer's distance. Mhh my weekend. Oh yes dear. Boring actually. My sister turned back from vacation with her husband apart from that nothing else happend.

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Beitrag #1.254 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
It was also my first time ^.^ It was a great experience. The next one is next year and haha yes I will not drink too much beer ~.^

Oh ok...

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.255 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Well then! What shall we talk about? Mhh... what about school?

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Beitrag #1.256 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
School? Oh I had a day off today because of the Festival ^.^

And you? No School today? What school are you in?

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.257 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Really? Oh that's cool. I wish I could have a day off because of some festivals. Actually I'm in school right now. I attend the junior high school and I'm in grade 10 there. I presumably leave school in 4 month and I've also applied for a secondary school to make my general qualification for university entrance. It's a social pedagogy one, by the way :') And you?

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Beitrag #1.258 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Woow cool ^.^

Well I'm in the University of Cebu, I'm studying Hotel Restaurant Management.
I know I'm only 16 years old, but everything is a little bit different here.

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.259 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Wow. So young. When you said or rather write that you attend a university, I thought you're maybe about 20 years old? Respect so far. I guess it's not very easy and even kind of an awkward age for studying, but you'll do that! You're English is also great for your age. Learn a lesson from me. I'm 15 years old and I still have to learn a lot about the English language.

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Beitrag #1.260 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
20 years old? Smily "lach"

Well I speak English since I was a little child, that's why it's also easier for me in the University 'cause I have to speak English there. And hey your English is really good! ~.^

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.261 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Oh really? Thanks. Well I'm also a multilingual person. I grew up with 2 languages which were German and Albanian. So far, I think you know that and hear that to, that children who grow up with more than only one language are able to learn more languages better and faster than someone else.

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Beitrag #1.262 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Yes, my father also says that!
I grew up with Swissgerman, German and English. In school I had French and Italian...I forgot both of them xD French was too hard for me, and Italian, well our teacher sucked. Right now I'm starting to learn Japanese ^.^

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.263 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Japanese. Oh dear. Respect to you. I also knew how to speak Serbian but I forgot it too. Know I'm going to learn French or Spanish. Good luck to you and your Japanese lessons that may will come soon :')

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Beitrag #1.264 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Thanks ^.^ Well at the moment I'm learning with a book, a dictionare and 4 CDs, until the school finds enough students who want to learn Japanese. It's a special School only for languages ;-)

What will you learn? French or Spanish?

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.265 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Good question. I'm also clueless. My occupational counselor said I could decide between Spanish and French. And I was really lucky to hear that because I rather would like to choose Spanish. I also could had selected French in grade 7, but I didn't. And so far. I had a reason for that and I still have. If I want to learn French I would had selected it then that time when I was able to. And now the school says I have to learn French because they never offered something like Spanish. And I was sooo disapointed to hear that. No I repent that I didn't chose French in class 7. So I had that 3 years at the junior high school and that 3 years in my general qualification for university entrance. So I would have more. But nope. Now I suppose I have to learn French for only neverless 3 years.

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Beitrag #1.266 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009

I also would take Spanish. I don't know I just don't like French. I think a person should be interested in a language or else it's gonna be harder to learn it. My mum wants to teach me a philippine language. Argh I hate it. I'm really not interested. So many philippine people taught me some words or sentences. I forgot them all. No chance. Japanese will be much easier for me because I'm interested and I have a little help: I really love Japanese rock music.

What also sucks is, that some of my teachers speak philippine language during class. I don't understand a single word (thank god everything is in the book..in English!) But still...My classmates are not really good at English. How can they learn it if even the teachers don't speak that much? The teachers also force me to learn their language. Stupid if you ask me. Because in the Hotel Management nobody needs it. The most important language there is English...

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.267 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Yes you're definitly right. But actually I also can learn a language very fast and well, even if I'm not interested in it. For example: I started to learn Arabic. But I wasn't that interested in it so it was really very hard for me to learn it. Now, I just can pronounce it, read and write it. That's all. Of course, nobody wants you to know Philippine. Almost noone use it except in Philippines, do they? Well if it's not a duty for you to learn it for your own need to school, then you also should leave learning that behind.

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Beitrag #1.268 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Yeah sure. I also can learn a language I'm not interested to. BUT, I will not learn that much. Like in French. I never study, I didn't listen to the teacher and so on ^.^ I still know a few sentences but I think I will never use them. Well anyway, they can try as hard as they want. I will never learn it. Anyway I don't have time for it. I'm busy studying Japanese, the things for my University and...Drums.

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.269 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
In terms of that topic, I would say good attitude. Spoken as a completly objective third-party outsider with absolutely no personal interest in a matter. :')
I gotta go dear. It was very nice to talk to you :') So far I'm very grateful to you. Thanks for that nice conversation.

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Beitrag #1.270 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Oh ok. See/Write you next time. Yeah I also have to say thanks for that great conversation. Have a nice daySmily "winke"

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.271 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
The pain in the neck is back again. Who's a whiz in English and wants to proove it? Now the time has come and you are in great demand. Put all your courage together now and don't miss out on chance! *as spokesperson in a commercial*

:'D To cut a long story short: Who wants to chat with me? Don't be afraid. I don't bite.

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Beitrag #1.272 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Hello Pasanti.. so here I am Smily "winke" Smily "smilesmile"


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Beitrag #1.273 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Good. I await you eagerly. How are you doing honey?

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Beitrag #1.274 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
I`m fine and you? Did you have a good day?


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Beitrag #1.275 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
My day was quiet boring actually. Well, I feel kind of weird. My ear is hurting. I don't know what's up with it. This thread has to work out. :') And it works owing to you.

So far. How was your day?

My gosh. I'm talking to much.

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Beitrag #1.276 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Hehe.. I like people how talk very much. My day was great. I hade school and I love going to school Smily "lach" Many people think I`m crazy, but yeah... that`s me.

You are registered on sky-driver, too? Aren`t you?


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Beitrag #1.277 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Indeed I am. Well I think you gonna ask what's wrong with that website. I can tell you. They said that they had problems with the webmaster or something like that and this would be completed until last Friday. But as you see it hadn't. And now I think it will all come to nothing. It's a pity. But what to do...

Bye the way, I also hate school and love it coevally .

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Beitrag #1.278 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Yes Nickey told me about that. It`s very sad. I like the board. But whow knows.. maybe they will solve this problem.

What are you doing actually?


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Beitrag #1.279 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Frankly I disbelieve it. But a little bit of optimism would not be amiss! :')

I'm just here in that forum and yeah, as you said, very boring without the forum. Right now I'm talking in the msn chat with a good friend. And you?

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Beitrag #1.280 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
I`m chating with the classmate and hear music.. so how you can see.. nothing special :D

You are very activ in this board. Especially in the offtopic themes


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Beitrag #1.281 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Indeeeeeeed. As you noticed I love speaking English. But I'm not very good in it. Not yet. And yeah the reason why I am so active in the offtopic themes ist that I don't like Bollywood anymore as I loved it before.

I'm gonna eat something. But don't be distract by anything else. Just write. I'll be right back.

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Beitrag #1.282 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
I`m also not a big bollywood-fan anymore, but I love this board and I still love this movies. And the users are so special here :)

Are you a Hilary Duff- Fan?


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Beitrag #1.283 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Yahhh kind of that. Maybe hihi. But actually I hate her new outside. I think she was more beautiful when she didn't decide to operate herself.

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Beitrag #1.284 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Yeah you`re right. I think she was cute in her teenie-movies like cinderella story


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Beitrag #1.285 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Yeah definitly. She really was. While we're at it, do you know the movie 'She's the man'?

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Beitrag #1.286 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
I heard about it a lot but didn`t see it till now.


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Beitrag #1.287 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Oh it's a very funny movie. I'll just can recommend it. A great movie. You really should take time for watching this movie.

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Beitrag #1.288 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
I will remember this next time when I go to rent a movie :) Thanks for the advice


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Beitrag #1.289 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Don't mention it! Tell me if you're going to borrow it. So what shall we talk about? I mean what would you like to talk about?

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Beitrag #1.290 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Do you know the movie/the book twilight? It`s very popular in this board ^^


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Beitrag #1.291 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Ya, of course I know it but unfortunately I didn't read the book and didn't watch the movie yet. But maybeeee I'll watch it in the cinema. And what about you? Did you read or watch it?

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Beitrag #1.292 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
I read and watched it :) I love this book. I don`t read often, but this one was so good. And Edward is so damn hot xD

yeah 15.500 Smily "smilesmile"


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Beitrag #1.293 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Sometimes I think everything is just center on Twilight and that makes me curious. I really want to watch it.

I'll just bring the garbage to the stack. Wait a minute please :') I'm the garbage-woman in time of need :')

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Beitrag #1.294 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Don`t miss it ;)

How are your grades in school? Do you get your certificates on 30. january, too?


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Beitrag #1.295 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Oh to tell you the truth I don't now but by any means it's not on the 30th of January but a little bit later. I'm in grade 10, if you mean that. My marks are pretty good and some are just okay. How are things in your neck of the woods relating to school?

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Beitrag #1.296 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
things in your neck of the woods?

I meant your marks :D But you just told about it. I think I have done too much englisch today. I start to swap the words :D


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Beitrag #1.297 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Never mind! That also happens to me sometimes. I mean your things with school. How is your business. (So etwa wie: Was läuft bei dir ab bezüglich auf Schule?)

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Beitrag #1.298 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
Oh.. till now I only have 3`s in my certificate :D But I hope to get better.. it`s my last school year


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Beitrag #1.299 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
It's also my last school year :') I mean in the junior high school. So it's not my last school year. Höhö.

Gigglingly Nita, puzzled Liba. :')

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Beitrag #1.300 - erstellt: 19. Januar 2009
What will you do after this school year?


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