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Forum - Thema: offtopic-thread in english (about everything)

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Thema: offtopic-thread in english (about everything)
Autor Beitrag

Beitrag #1.001 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
Yes.. there are no guys like edward..Smily "furchtbartraurig"

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Beitrag #1.002 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
HiSmily "winke"
Are you talking about Twilight?

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Beitrag #1.003 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
@ lora

hi !
RIGht , do you know the books ?

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Beitrag #1.004 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
Zitat von aishbeauty:
Yes.. there are no guys like edward..Smily "furchtbartraurig"

Smily "troest"

Hello lora Smily "winke" yes we are Smily "hehe"

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Beitrag #1.005 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
Zitat von aishbeauty:
@ lora

hi !
RIGht , do you know the books ?

I know only the first one... I read it two days ago! I love it...

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Beitrag #1.006 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
@ mrs Khan

Smily "thanks"
everytime i look to your signature..i have to get some icee cause he's too hot.Smily "smilesmile"


@ Lora

i'm reading it.
i've bought it today and started.Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #1.007 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
@Lora did you read it in German? *aww* another Twilight lover Smily "bussi"
@aish Smily "smile" He is pretty much...he's officially number one on the Top 50 list of the hottest young actors

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Beitrag #1.008 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
@ MrsKhan16

really? well, i'm not wondering.Smily "smilesmile" Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #1.009 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
Zitat von aishbeauty:


@ Lora

i'm reading it.
i've bought it today and started.Smily "smilesmile"

The first one?
I can't wait with reading the second one but my parents won't buy it because its to expensive...
The first one i borrow from my friend and she's got the second too, so my parents won't buy it

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Beitrag #1.010 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
@ Lora
yes the first one.
i dont think their are expensive , i bought it for 13.25 fr. and the second one was 25.00 or something like that.

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Beitrag #1.011 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
ya, really..... I mean do you know anyone who's hotter? Smily "lach"
I didn't like the second book... it's not as good as the other ones... okay, I still need to read the last one, many people told me it's kinda disapponting... but at least my sister loved it so I hope I will, too

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Beitrag #1.012 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
no i don't..Smily "smilesmile"
yes i read a litle bit of the second book while i was in the book shop it wasn't very interesting .. but maybe i have to read a little bit more of it.

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Beitrag #1.013 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
at the moment I'm in Austria and the second one costs 25 Euro. nd thats to much for my parentsSmily "smilesmile"

MrsKhan16: yes I read it in german! and you?

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Beitrag #1.014 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
well 25 EURO is too much thats right. but 25 FR. is not really expensive caus here in switzerland are the most books expensive.

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Beitrag #1.015 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
@aish the first few pages of the second book are also at the end of the first one...and they're more interesting than the middle-part of the book...but I don't want to spoil it for you, sorry Smily "smilesmile"
@Lora I read it in English, I even got myself the audiobooks of the second and the third book in English... Smily "smilesmile"
I also tried to read some passages in German, but I didn't like the translation

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Beitrag #1.016 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
yes, 25 fr. isn't really expensiv...
i will buy it when i'm back in switzerland!

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Beitrag #1.017 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
heheh its okay.

hey guys i have to go now. have a nicee weekend
seee yahh.Smily "thanks"

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Beitrag #1.018 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
you, too have a nice weekend Smily "winke" Smily "bussi" bye

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Beitrag #1.019 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
Reading a book in english is to difficult for me, i guess so. because my english isn't very good!

aishbeauty: Thanks! I hope yours is nice too!

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Beitrag #1.020 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
doesn't matter... that's what translations are for Smily "wink"
My sister also read the first 3 books in German and the last one in English...she just couldn't wait for the German translation, and I helped her when she didn't understand something...that's why I know most things in the book before I even started to read it Smily "tutmirleid"

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Beitrag #1.021 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
Oh...Smily "smilesmile"
Maybe i will try it to read the second one in english! is it difficult to understand?

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Beitrag #1.022 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
Smily "smilesmile"
I don't think so... the language is very easy, compared to other books Smily "wink"

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Beitrag #1.023 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
Ccompared to other books? Which books?Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #1.024 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
other English booksSmily "smilesmile" Last year I read a strange book at school (in English)...the language was not as easy as it is in "Twilight" and the book was weird anyway ^^
I remember reading a little bit of Harry Potter in English, it also seemed more difficult to me than Twilight

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Beitrag #1.025 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
OkSmily "smilesmile"
I have to go now. have a nice weekend...

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Beitrag #1.026 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
Ok bye Smily "winke"
you, too Smily "thanks"

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Beitrag #1.027 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
Zitat von MrsKhan16:
@chica no problem Smily "wink" ohh that's nice... I'd like to watch it...maybe I'll find it somewhere with Bosnian subtitles Smily "smilesmile"
@aish you've started to read them? greeeeeat Smily "top" so how do you like Edward? Smily "hehe"

Yes, I would reference it to youSmily "wink"It is a very beautfiul series(I know that I say it very oftenSmily "smilesmile")and I´m sure you would like it. And in the series there are also some parts, where Halil speaks something in bosnianSmily "smile" So you can understand itSmily "smile"

Kücük Kadinlar

Sig gelöscht, da zu breit ... Steena
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Beitrag #1.028 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
I just searched it on youtube...the guy is very cute, he really looks Bosnian, kindaSmily "smilesmile"
oh, it will take time to find those scenes Smily "lach"

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Beitrag #1.029 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
Zitat von MrsKhan16:
I just searched it on youtube...the guy is very cute, he really looks Bosnian, kindaSmily "smilesmile"
oh, it will take time to find those scenes Smily "lach"

Yes, I also think soSmily "smilesmile"The guy is a turkish topmodel in real life. He looks very cuteSmily "smilesmile"If you like, I would look up some parts for you, where "Halil" speaks BosnianSmily "smile"

Kücük Kadinlar

Sig gelöscht, da zu breit ... Steena
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Beitrag #1.030 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
Smily "smilesmile"
oh that would be great, thank you Smily "bussi"

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Beitrag #1.031 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
HiSmily "winke"
Is anyone here?

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Beitrag #1.032 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
Hi Lora, welcome back Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #1.033 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
How are you?

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Beitrag #1.034 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
fine, but a lil' bit bored somehow
how are you tonight? ( I don't even know what time it is^^) Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #1.035 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
I'm bored too...
What can we talk about?

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Beitrag #1.036 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
well,.. where did we stop earlier today? ^^

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Beitrag #1.037 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
hmmSmily "doesen" edward cullen?!

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Beitrag #1.038 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
Smily "rotwerd" I guess so...
it never gets boring talking about him... or dou you disagree with that?Smily "smile"

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Beitrag #1.039 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
No that will never happen, getting boring while talking about him...

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Beitrag #1.040 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
Smily "hehe"
yes, true...although I also like some of the other characters in the book... some of them... Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #1.041 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
Really? Which? Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #1.042 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
I don't know about Bella...she's weird, I can't really relate to her Smily "aechtz"
I loooove the Cullens... especially Carlisle...imagine that...such a handsome doctor Smily "doc_love"
And I think almost all the actors in the movie are choosen very well...I mean they match the characters and their descriptions in the book

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Beitrag #1.043 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
I agree with you.. absolutely!
Did you see the movie?

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Beitrag #1.044 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
Smily "wink"
No, it isn't released yet... still 49 days until release Smily "smilesmile"
I saw the trailers, interviews and all available pictures Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #1.045 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
49 days... so long! How can i survive that?Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #1.046 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
In Europe it will be released even later... in Germany on 22nd January Smily "achja"
I don't know.... it's going to be hard...you should try watching some of the trailers n stuff...helps to get through the time until the movie ^^

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Beitrag #1.047 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
I will watch it in english, I can't wait so long. and then i will watch it again in german...
the trailers are great, i'm watching them at the moment...Smily "top"

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Beitrag #1.048 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
of course in English... Robert's voice is waaaaay to sexy to replace it with someone else's Smily "hehe"
I watched them too often, I'd wish there was a new one finally... I even watched them in Spanish earlier this evening..just for change ^^

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Beitrag #1.049 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
I can't hear his voice... because im in holidays and the computer is without any soundSmily "schluchz"

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Beitrag #1.050 - erstellt: 03. Oktober 2008
ohh Smily "troest"
But you can trust me, it's just like Bella describes it in the book... amazing Smily "love"
I don't know the exact description in German, in English she says he has a velvet voice *melting* Smily "herzchen"

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