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Forum - Thema: offtopic-thread in english (about everything)

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Thema: offtopic-thread in english (about everything)
Autor Beitrag

Beitrag #901 - erstellt: 28. September 2008
heey guys i want to talk in englisch with you, tooo Smily "smilesmile" oh youre not online anymore, arent you? Smily "smilesmile"

lolSmily "smilesmile"

[center]back to Bollywood :D

[i]Because the World keeps spinning around...
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Beitrag #902 - erstellt: 29. September 2008
hey deryaSmily "winke"

well now im on..but i think you not xD

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #903 - erstellt: 29. September 2008
oh ähm no i slept at this time because i am a brave girl lool Smily "smilesmile" Smily "smilesmile"

are you online now? Smily "smilesmile"

[center]back to Bollywood :D

[i]Because the World keeps spinning around...
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Beitrag #904 - erstellt: 30. September 2008
now im online but you not Smily "lach"

'cause im also a "brave" (Smily "dumdidum") girl and slept at this time, when you were on Smily "lach"

thats the problem...you are in europe and im in asia...stupid time xD

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #905 - erstellt: 01. Oktober 2008
yes youre right stupid time haha

What time is it in asia now?Smily "smile"

[center]back to Bollywood :D

[i]Because the World keeps spinning around...
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Beitrag #906 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
well now its 07:18 am xD

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #907 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
ohh cool :D are you just online when its morning in asia or so? Smily "smilesmile"

[center]back to Bollywood :D

[i]Because the World keeps spinning around...
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Beitrag #908 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
im online the whole day! xD but sometimes i have english classes nd drum classes xD

but i think we r both online now, am i right?Smily "smile"

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #909 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
yes im online now Smily "smile" how are you online the whole day? OoSmily "smilesmile"

[center]back to Bollywood :D

[i]Because the World keeps spinning around...
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Beitrag #910 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
why not? xD i have my own computer xD nd school starts in november xD

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #911 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
aso i thought you have school schon you know what i mean Smily "smilesmile"

[center]back to Bollywood :D

[i]Because the World keeps spinning around...
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Beitrag #912 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
yeah i know what u mean xD

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #913 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
Smily "smilesmile" Hi eevrybody.

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Beitrag #914 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
Hi Smily "winke"
I've just found out I've never wrote anything here... Smily "eek2"

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Beitrag #915 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
so how are you ?

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Beitrag #916 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
Smily "lach"
perfectly fine, thx Smily "smilesmile" how are you?

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Beitrag #917 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
well, not bad.hehehe
what are you doing?

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Beitrag #918 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
Smily "smilesmile"
right now just listening to music, what else
how about you? Maybe you're doing something more interesting ^^

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Beitrag #919 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
not really ..heheh
i'm listening to a few songs of Frank sinatra heheh he's not bad.
what do you think of "frankie" ?Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #920 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
Oh, that's nice... how does it come, you're listening to his music?
Hmm...I only remember some of his songs from movies... for example "I won't dance" (I think that's the name of the song?) in "What women want", when Mel Gibson dances to it...hilarious Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #921 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
i don't now. He's voice is amazing and i loved his song "new York". So i thought i would like to hear other songs of him.
and thats the history of "how i came to Frank sinatras music.." hehe . Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #922 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
well, why not Smily "smilesmile"
I think I also should try to listen to some old music...like The Beatles or something Smily "lach"
Anyway, I'm listening to "new" music (well, new for me) these days so that would be another option

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Beitrag #923 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
The Beatles are not bad.Smily "smile"
i'm listening to "new" music too , Do you heard the song of Kate Perry- I kissed a girl. Thats an amzing song i think.

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Beitrag #924 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
I know we used to sing and analyze their songs in our music lessons in 8th grade Smily "smilesmile"
of course, I loooove Katy... the album is great, too her lyrics are cool ^^

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Beitrag #925 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
oh really i diddnt listened to her other songs. heheh

( Nice signature !Smily "smilesmile" )

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Beitrag #926 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
you sholud if U get a chance Smily "smilesmile"

ohh thanks Smily "thanks" do you only like the signature itself or the guy, too? Smily "hehe"

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Beitrag #927 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
hehe well, i'm not gonna lie to you ,,the guy on it is veryyyy nice too. Smily "hehe"

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Beitrag #928 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
Smily "lachlach"
I'm glad we agree about that fact Smily "smilesmile"
so, btw. did you read the Twilight books? ^^

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Beitrag #929 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
no , i don't i just know him from his little role as "cedric Digorry" in Harry Potter and the goblet of fire".
Are the books good?

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Beitrag #930 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
Smily "lach" yes, even I watched that movie...because of him, actually I'm not really into Harry Potter (the books and the movies)
well, I didn't finish the third one yet, but yes, those books are...amazing Smily "love" ...I mean I couldn't understand why everyone is so crazy about them until I started to read myself

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Beitrag #931 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
hmmh, well then i think i will try to get some of this books heheh.
Do you know "one tree hill" ??

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Beitrag #932 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
if U're planning to watch the movie, you should read the first book at least...but I promise, once you start to read you don't want to stop at all^^
I heard about it, but never watched it... unfortunately...there is one episode of OTH I need to watch Smily "smilesmile"
did U see all of them?

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Beitrag #933 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
no i just started to watch that . Just because of "chad Michale Murray" he's soo HOT! hehehe
Its great ! I like the story .Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #934 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
aaaah...Smily "smilesmile"
I've seen pictures of him before...he is kinda cute Smily "wink"
is it still on TV or do you watch it elsewhere?

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Beitrag #935 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
no its still on tv on SF2 .
it starts at 18.00 or something.. i'm not really shure hehe

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Beitrag #936 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
oh, of course we don't have that channel ^^ I'll try to find the episodes I wanted to watch on youtube...If I ever find the time..Smily "smilesmile"
In general, I don't watch many tv series... only Desperate Housewives ^^ and I watched the last few episodes of "Moonlight" on TV

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Beitrag #937 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
oh me too. the most of tehe tv serials have all the same story . Booring..Smily "doesen"

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Beitrag #938 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
yes...so I don't even try them...but some are really goodSmily "smilesmile"
I mean... I don't watch all that crime and love series, but I love stuff like "Drake & Josh" Smily "lachlach"

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Beitrag #939 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
ohh mann !! me too thats soo funny !!Smily "smilesmile" Smily "smilesmile"
I like the charachters of Drake and Josh.Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #940 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
yeah, they're funny Smily "smilesmile"
But I still didn't watch the original versions, only in German on TV... maybe it's even funnier in English

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Beitrag #941 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
And I like Drakes Music... Smily "smilesmile"

Hi...Smily "winke" Smily "smilesmile"

BW-F Vampire Renesmee
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Beitrag #942 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
Me too. I want to watch it in english .hehe
Hi mazza .
Drakes music is not bad.

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Beitrag #943 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
I'm sure it's also on youtube
hellooooo Mazza Smily "winke"
My sister listens to his music... she said it's good, I don't know yet ^^

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Beitrag #944 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
Its really great, I bought his last album...woah I love his songs... Smily "smile"

BW-F Vampire Renesmee
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Beitrag #945 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
Does anybody listens to Jesse mCcartneys music ?

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Beitrag #946 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
what's the name of the last album? I just looked it up, we only have one ("It's only time")

no I don't know his music... okay maybe that one song..."Beautiful soul" I think ?

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Beitrag #947 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
he's neweset album is "departure" thats a great album. Smily "boah"

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Beitrag #948 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
Oh, I should tell my sister about it.... but I think right now she's too occupied with the Jonas Brothers.... she listens to them all the time Smily "aechtz"

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Beitrag #949 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
hehe thats funny i like them too.Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #950 - erstellt: 02. Oktober 2008
aishbeauty...you´re just like me... Smily "lach" I love Jesse...
I bought departure last month...nice songs.. Smily "smile"

BW-F Vampire Renesmee
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