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Forum - Thema: offtopic-thread in english (about everything)

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Thema: offtopic-thread in english (about everything)
Autor Beitrag

Beitrag #1.551 - erstellt: 02. Februar 2009
Yes me here Smily "smilesmile" How are you?


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Beitrag #1.552 - erstellt: 02. Februar 2009
Fine thank you and you? Wasn't there for a while sorry.

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Beitrag #1.553 - erstellt: 02. Februar 2009
No Problem ;) Well, I had better times. I`m tired and a little bit upset. How was your day?

Sorry if I do some write-mistakes but my head is not with me today.


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Beitrag #1.554 - erstellt: 02. Februar 2009
I lose sight of my spelling mistakes in that I really don't mind about it. I was also sometimes in such composures. I know what a feeling it is to be in a bad affliciton. I'm sorry for my delay... I was in ebay for a little while :') Well, thanks my day was great I had an exam today and I think I've done it! :'D

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Beitrag #1.555 - erstellt: 02. Februar 2009
Oh that sounds good. I know that you did have a great job in your exam.. in believe in. Which subject was it?

Sorry but I have to go.. see you tomorrow, if you will be here ;) Bye Smily "thanks"


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Beitrag #1.556 - erstellt: 02. Februar 2009
It's called 'Man and environment'. Well... I also have to go. Bye sleep well and nice dreams.

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Beitrag #1.557 - erstellt: 03. Februar 2009
Reduxed me. Any revived persons here? We're ghouls. Yes we are :'D I'm in a good mood, don't be astonished so far.

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Beitrag #1.558 - erstellt: 07. Februar 2009
Indiahouse? I know you're online know. :'D

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Beitrag #1.559 - erstellt: 07. Februar 2009
Hehe..yes I'm on..but I think not that long anymore...

anyway how are you?^^

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.560 - erstellt: 07. Februar 2009
Fine, oke, good. Don't know.... :'D And you?

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Beitrag #1.561 - erstellt: 07. Februar 2009
Well..hmm not that fine...I have my monthly problem hmpf...my stomach hurts so much, i already took medicine, but it doesn't work Smily "achja"

What are you doing right now? And how was your last week?

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.562 - erstellt: 07. Februar 2009
Oh. Woman complainings. I know ... I know. :'D But I wish you anyhow that you get well soon! I'm listening to music and waiting for a friend to come online in MSN. My last week was quiet oke actually. Nothing spectaculary happend. It was dull but oke. Thank you. And yours?

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Beitrag #1.563 - erstellt: 07. Februar 2009
Yeah..hate these days -.-...Thank you ^.^

Oh my last week was a wasted week..every day school, but almost every teacher was absent..so we almost had every day only one hour instead of four -.- Kinda sucks...

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.564 - erstellt: 07. Februar 2009
For pupils like me this is a reason to make a big party, but yes comparable with students like you, this is really wasted time for your studies.

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Beitrag #1.565 - erstellt: 07. Februar 2009
yeah sure it's great..but at that time i could have done better things..

well nevermind..sry but i already have to leave you =(..my stomach hurts so bad..and i think it's better for me now to lay down and try to sleep...

write you next time, bybye have a nice daySmily "winke" Smily "thanks"

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.566 - erstellt: 07. Februar 2009
Bye bye! Get well soon! Enjoy your day :')

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Beitrag #1.567 - erstellt: 20. Februar 2009
It s so boring ..... talk with me !!!!!!
Smily "smilesmile"
Smily "thanks"

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Beitrag #1.568 - erstellt: 20. Februar 2009
hy Smily "smilesmile"


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Beitrag #1.569 - erstellt: 20. Februar 2009
hey how are you Smily "smilesmile"
( sorry for my terrible english Smily "smilesmile" )

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Beitrag #1.570 - erstellt: 20. Februar 2009
my english is not much better Smily "smilesmile"

I am good and you??


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Beitrag #1.571 - erstellt: 20. Februar 2009
yes i am fine Smily "wink"
what are you doing ??

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Beitrag #1.572 - erstellt: 20. Februar 2009
I am watching "narrisch guad"...do you know??


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Beitrag #1.573 - erstellt: 20. Februar 2009
i dont know this film...it is a bollywood film???

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Beitrag #1.574 - erstellt: 20. Februar 2009
no no Smily "smilesmile" that was a good comment!!

"narrisch guad" is a "fasching"-show (in germany it is called karneval) and it runs on ORF...

and they make jokes and silly things and that stuff...Smily "silberblick"


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Beitrag #1.575 - erstellt: 20. Februar 2009
okay Smily "smilesmile"
and is it funny??? Do you laugh ???
I love funny series

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Beitrag #1.576 - erstellt: 20. Februar 2009
I don't like karneval, you know, but my mum always laughs...the whole time Smily "silberblick" !!!

i am sorry but I have to end here...

bye bye Smily "thanks" Smily "winke"


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Beitrag #1.577 - erstellt: 20. Februar 2009
byeby ehave a nice night or tv show Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #1.578 - erstellt: 20. Februar 2009
Hey whats up girls ???

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Beitrag #1.579 - erstellt: 20. Februar 2009
hey somebody here??Smily "smilesmile"

Ruhe in Frieden kleiner Käfer!
gelöscht, da zu groß...Djarmila
Was immer du fühlst, tanz es! Mitglied der RNBDJ Süchtigen
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Beitrag #1.580 - erstellt: 21. Februar 2009
Yes me ;')

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Beitrag #1.581 - erstellt: 21. Februar 2009
and me ;)

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Beitrag #1.582 - erstellt: 21. Februar 2009
Hey :') Sorry, I was going out with friends... Are you still there?

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Beitrag #1.583 - erstellt: 21. Februar 2009
it s okay :D
How are you?

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Beitrag #1.584 - erstellt: 21. Februar 2009
Fine thank you. And you?

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Beitrag #1.585 - erstellt: 21. Februar 2009
i am fine, too :D
What are you doing ??

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Beitrag #1.586 - erstellt: 21. Februar 2009
I am watching a TV casting show and actually I them. I'm talking about DSDS. This casting show of all casting shows! But I can't help it... my mom and my sister like to watch it. And what are you dealing with at the moment?

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Beitrag #1.587 - erstellt: 21. Februar 2009
I gotta go so far. Good night to you. Sleep well and sweet dreams!

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Beitrag #1.588 - erstellt: 22. Februar 2009
hey.... somebody here?

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Beitrag #1.589 - erstellt: 22. Februar 2009
Yes ..but not so long..Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #1.590 - erstellt: 22. Februar 2009
how are you ???

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Beitrag #1.591 - erstellt: 22. Februar 2009
I'm fine thanks and you ?

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Beitrag #1.592 - erstellt: 22. Februar 2009
yes, i am fine, too.
At the moment I read twilight ... oh its so interessting ....Smily "silberblick"

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Beitrag #1.593 - erstellt: 22. Februar 2009
Oh yes..I'm reading "Breaking Dawn" at the moment..Smily "lach"
I love the books.
Did you see the film?

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Beitrag #1.594 - erstellt: 22. Februar 2009
So, i wnat to say good night Smily "smilesmile"
have sweet dreams ...
good night Smily "thanks"

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Beitrag #1.595 - erstellt: 22. Februar 2009
Smily "lach" Hmh..after Bella & Edward.
I would say Emmett..i love him. So cute , and he's so funny really lovely.Smily "smilesmile"
Or I like Alice a lot too.
What about you?

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Beitrag #1.596 - erstellt: 22. Februar 2009
I like Carlsle ( or so Smily "smilesmile" ) and esma ...
so i want to say good bye Smily "smilesmile"
have sweet dreams Smily "thanks"
good night Smily "thanks"

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Beitrag #1.597 - erstellt: 22. Februar 2009
Oh yes they are lovely too, but not more than Emmett..Smily "lach"
Alright I have to go anyway..Good night.
sweet dreams to you also.
bye.Smily "thanks"

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Beitrag #1.598 - erstellt: 23. Februar 2009
Anyone here?

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Beitrag #1.599 - erstellt: 23. Februar 2009
So I bring it to the top in hope that anybody see it and would start writing with me here. I feel so alone :') So anybody here again?

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Beitrag #1.600 - erstellt: 23. Februar 2009
Isn't there anyone?

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