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Forum - Thema: offtopic-thread in english (about everything)

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Thema: offtopic-thread in english (about everything)
Autor Beitrag

Beitrag #1.651 - erstellt: 28. Juli 2009
Why is this thread in english ?????? think its a lil bit stupid^^

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Beitrag #1.652 - erstellt: 28. Juli 2009
@Indiafanatic: This thread is in english, because some people like it to speak in english with other people. Or some people want to exercise his english. Smily "smile"

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Beitrag #1.653 - erstellt: 28. Juli 2009
Zitat von Indiafanatic:
Why is this thread in english ?????? think its a lil bit stupid^^

well, i am one of those who love speaking it plus i like to help other ppl improve their english as not everyone has the chance to practise it often unless u are married to an english guy (like me^^) ...

so that's y i dont think this thread is stupid or something. maybe ur english is perfect so u don't need it but other ppl here may need it (e. g. for their homework) ....

if u dont like the topic, just ignore it. u dont need to join any discussion in here Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #1.654 - erstellt: 28. Juli 2009
Good to know this thread didn't die, yet. Well, I'll just hook up with Phuul. It's not kinda senseless at all.

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Beitrag #1.655 - erstellt: 29. Juli 2009
I guess it's never useless to try to converse in another language. After all, globalisation is everywhere and nowadays it's important to be able to speak English. Even in Germany it gets more and more important to companies that their employees in certain areas speak English. I can't understand how some people just don't think it necessary to speak other languages.

I always disliked tourists going abroad to eg. Spain, Denmark etc and expecting people there to speak German. Besides English I can converse a bit in Spanish and French and for me it is obvious that I will try to speak French when in France or Spanish when in Spain. Only if I really don't know how to say things in those languages I try my luck with English but I would never expect anybody to speak German.

So I think it's great that some people in this forum really want to practice and improve their English Smily "top"


You can't base your life on other people's expectations.
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Beitrag #1.656 - erstellt: 29. Juli 2009
Zitat von Pasanti93:
Good to know this thread didn't die, yet. Well, I'll just hook up with Phuul. It's not kinda senseless at all.

hehe, when i read "hook up" u kinda shocked me Smily "lach". I hope u know the other meaning of this expression ;). As everybody knows slang maybe u shud use "agree with" ... then nobody gets naughty or weird thoughts Smily "smilesmile" ....

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Beitrag #1.657 - erstellt: 29. Juli 2009
Of course, I know the other meaning of it. Sorry, about that. I actually thought you know what I mean. My American boyfriend always says "hook up" - don't know really if it is slang or whatever. But I also used it before I met him.

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Beitrag #1.658 - erstellt: 29. Juli 2009
Zitat von Pasanti93:
Of course, I know the other meaning of it. Sorry, about that. I actually thought you know what I mean. My American boyfriend always says "hook up" - don't know really if it is slang or whatever. But I also used it before I met him.

Hehe, well, before u used it in this way, i only knew the naughty meaning. because me fiance keeps on using it only in this context. but well, maybe because he is british^^. i have never heard of the other meaning. well, everyday is a new day for learning something else Smily "smilesmile" ...

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Beitrag #1.659 - erstellt: 05. August 2009
I do not know how to explain it really. I think there is not another meaning for "hook up" except the naughty one. But maybe young people use it there. I am really clueless.

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Beitrag #1.660 - erstellt: 06. August 2009
As far as I remember the expression "hook up" has a quite innocent meaning as well. I heard it several times while I was living in the UK, meaning that people want to meet up to talk or do something together. When I read this expression in a sentence I guess it's not difficult to understand, in which sense it is used and honestly, I never heard it in any other meaning than meeting up...


You can't base your life on other people's expectations.
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Beitrag #1.661 - erstellt: 06. August 2009
I don't know. I just asked my boyfriend and he told me, that it has got a naughty meaning and another. The other meaning was meeting up with somebody. But he said it can be also used if you want to say, that you're in favor of somebody or you agree with somebody.

Weird, but don't know.

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Beitrag #1.662 - erstellt: 20. August 2009
hey,how are you guys?


Addicted - Meine Story über Taylor Lautner auf myfanfiction.de. Wer will kann mal vorbeischauen (link bei Homepage)
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Beitrag #1.663 - erstellt: 24. August 2009
Hey. English is my main language so ask if you have any questions.

@Pasanti93/Djarmila/Phuul "hook up" is american english. I would use "meet up" or "get together" if you are talking about friends. For the romantic meaning there are lots of other options Smily "wink"

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Beitrag #1.664 - erstellt: 24. August 2009
Oh yaa an english thread! thats awesome :D because i love to speak english ^^

"Expect the Unexpected"...
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Beitrag #1.665 - erstellt: 24. August 2009
@ Neslish Yes me, too Smily "zwinker" but I should do it more often. So how was your weekend? Smily "smile"


karma is a bit** only if you are
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Beitrag #1.666 - erstellt: 30. August 2009
My weekend is a disaster. I know me wasn't asked, but anyway. How are you all doing, folks?

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Beitrag #1.667 - erstellt: 30. August 2009
Yo Nita..Why was your weekend a disaster?...I'm pretty fine.

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.668 - erstellt: 30. August 2009
I was in vacation since last month and when I got back in Germany I found everything shit. I miss everything you know and I don't wanna waste another minute here. I miss especially a certain person. But I'm not able to talk about this, actually.
Good to know you're pretty fine. Hope you're weekend was/is great, too. :)

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Beitrag #1.669 - erstellt: 30. August 2009
Ohh I understand... ^^ I know what you mean..it has been months now when I last was in Switzerland..I still freakin' miss it.
Well my weekend was ok..except the belly dancing class yesterday we had to attend -.-

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.670 - erstellt: 30. August 2009
Haha... why do you had to attend a bellydancing-class? This is freaky. I mean... if there is someone, who doesn't like it, he would totally freak out, wouldn't he?

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Beitrag #1.671 - erstellt: 30. August 2009
Stupid sports class xD Last week it was hiphop and yesterday bellydancing..we had to attend it because of our grades =/ I did freak out xD I'm sooo not talented in dancing, especially not bellydancing ugh. September 19 we have to attend a Latin-dance-class whatever thingy. ^^
I'd rather swim than dance (I'm such a bad swimmer)...

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.672 - erstellt: 30. August 2009
I'm also not a good swimmer. Some years ago I loved dancing and I was very good at it, but know I lost the interest in it and I actually can't dance anymore. Yah. Sorry by the way. I was away and I really gotta go now. Hope you have a nice day, honey. Bye.

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Beitrag #1.673 - erstellt: 01. September 2009
Hello everybody.

How are you?
I have a question to you...
I really want to practise my english a little bit more (i think my english is not the best. I know some people, who are huge better as me), so I search a person who want´s to have english-speaking-contact with me. (But I mean it personal. Maybe the person have icq or we can speak with pn? Smily "smilesmile" )
I think, I can practise my english good with these way. When someone is interesting, please write me a pn Smily "zwinker"

See you, bollyrani

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Beitrag #1.674 - erstellt: 01. September 2009
You can do that with me, if you want to. I have got msn, what about you? If you don't, so we can write pn's if you want so. And I just noticed, that you wrote you want this person to write you a pn. So I'm going to do this. See you.

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Beitrag #1.675 - erstellt: 10. Februar 2010
was heißtn "das ist ein anstecker für die jacke" und "wenn du möchtest" auf englisch? Smily "winke"

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Beitrag #1.676 - erstellt: 10. Februar 2010
@Riva this is a botton for your jacket.
if you want to.

Does someone here have 15 points in English ? if yes, can you tell me how you reached 15 points ? Smily "smilesmile"

[center]back to Bollywood :D

[i]Because the World keeps spinning around...
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Beitrag #1.677 - erstellt: 11. Februar 2010
@Derya: What do you mean with "15 points"? Smily "smile"

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Beitrag #1.678 - erstellt: 12. Februar 2010
Zitat von bollyrani1992:
@Derya: What do you mean with "15 points"? Smily "smile"

15 points is the same like A[+] (1[+]).... This points-system is starting from year 12 at grammar school. 15 points is the highest number u can score.

15 = 1+
14 = 1
13 = 1-
12 = 2+

I really loved english but i never scored 15 points. Most of the time it was like 12, 13. Only in my oral exam i scored 14 points by talking about guantanamo and iraq. i still dont know why this examiner asked me these stupid questions ...

Scoring 15 points in english is almost impossible. I am married to a british soldier, we are talking english whole day and still i make sooooo many mistakes. it will always happen unless u have been living in an english speaking country for many years. thats the only way to learn it perfectly. Best way during school time is to do an exchange for 1 year. After returning frm e. g. USA u will b able to speak and write english fluently.

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Beitrag #1.679 - erstellt: 12. Februar 2010
@Phuul: Thank you for the declaration. Oh, ok. I don´t have 15 points. Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #1.680 - erstellt: 12. Februar 2010
Zitat von bollyrani1992:
@Phuul: Thank you for the declaration. Oh, ok. I don´t have 15 points. Smily "smilesmile"

declaration? I guess u mean explanation Smily "smilesmile" ...

declaration also means "erklärung" but not in this context. Just have a look at its meaning by checking the content of e. g. a "declaration of independence" Smily "smile" ... I think that'll help to see the difference Smily "smile" .

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Beitrag #1.681 - erstellt: 12. Februar 2010
thank you for this tip ^^

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Beitrag #1.682 - erstellt: 13. Februar 2010
hello every one ^^

my english is very bad and i have to write a letter.
can every help me to translate it in english ? please ?


Bitte Signatur wechseln. BerlinTubis

Bitte schaut doch mal auf meine Homepage vorbei...
Bombay Streets
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Beitrag #1.683 - erstellt: 13. Februar 2010
@prianka: I can try it, if you want Smily "smile" Send me a PN Smily "wink"

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Beitrag #1.684 - erstellt: 13. Februar 2010
Hey priyanka

i can help u. i really love speaking english plus i speak english almost every day as my husband is british ...

So if u want me to help u just write me a message. I can also check bollyrani's first draft if there are any mistakes.

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Beitrag #1.685 - erstellt: 13. Februar 2010
@Phuul: In my draft will be many mistakes. Smily "lach" I think, it is better, when you do it really. I don´t knew that your husband is british. In my opinion it is great. No woder, that your english is so well. ^^
Please check priankas letter right. Smily "smile" If she want it, of course Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #1.686 - erstellt: 19. März 2010
Hello everybody. Smily "winke"

I translate a english songtext for myself and I have a problem with one sentence. In my opinion its maybe a anecdote or something like that, so I have big problems to understand this sentence well. And with my translator I get a terrible german for this sentence.
Maybe anyone have a good german translation for this, please? Smily "smile"

In the cast-off pile of skins left by things that now live elsewhere.

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Beitrag #1.687 - erstellt: 21. März 2010
Zitat von bollyrani1992:

In the cast-off pile of skins left by things that now live elsewhere.

It is indeed quite difficult to translate. It would help if you could provide the name of the song and the singer (group). I need to have a look at the entire songtext in order to find out a possible meaning.

I have already something in mind but I have to make sure that I am right Smily "smilesmile"

Sometimes it is essential to have a look at something on the whole.

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Beitrag #1.688 - erstellt: 22. März 2010
Of course, I can show you the whole songtext. At first, I would like to thank you, that you have a look about this. Smily "smilesmile"
Do you need really the songtext and the singer? The singer is a little bit difficult to find Smily "tutmirleid"
But here is now the songtext (for the moment):

From far away, let your eyes shine; those who have awakened are still waiting.
Seduce the ramparts of the night in the cast-off pile of skins left by things that now live elsewhere.

(without an exit) if you intend to survive the impact
(to the point where you fall apart) enrapture the deceits

You who have been reborn, color your eyes without smiling alone.
Even if the world you've longed for has suddenly burned to ash, in some miracle we could still brush into each other.

(Hold me gently in order to break me)

Be exposed in a state of purity like a flower whose petals have fallen.
You're just beginning to notice the days are shining jewels cupped in your hand.

(A cold hand) gathers up the shed thorns, so
(A banked flame) continues to smolder

Let's depict the vividly dancing thoughts found in that place of light that is unreachable even now.
Don't fear the passage of time, so that words of guidance won't completely spill out and flow away.

(And there's no way out) (I'm falling further down)

To the reincarnation of you, I say color your eyes without smiling alone.
Even if the world you've longed for has suddenly burned to ash, the miracle could still happen to come again.

Let's depict the vividly dancing thoughts found in that place of light that is unreachable even now.
Don't fear the passage of time, so that words of guidance won't completely spill out and flow away.

(Hold me gently, always catch me, more and more, in order to break my heart)

You see, this difficult sentence is near the begining, so I have only translate the first line:

"Lasse deine Augen von weitem scheinen
Diejenigen, die erwacht sind, warten noch."

I know, its a little bit "stümperhaft" but I want recorected the text, when I have the whole text in german translation Smily "smilesmile"
Oh, and the begining of the 2nd line calls "Verführe die Festungswälle der Nacht". So I translated it. Maybe it is wrong, I don´t know. Smily "silberblick"

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Beitrag #1.689 - erstellt: 22. März 2010
I am sorry dear but the text is too difficult. In dont have a single clue what it is about. Sorry, i cant help u with this. Even I need to look up many words in a dictionary. it's bad. I think u really need to ask somebody whose mother tongue is english Smily "tutmirleid" ....

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Beitrag #1.690 - erstellt: 22. März 2010
Oh, it's not really the words which are the problem. It's all those metaphors used. I was never any good in interpreting metaphors in poems so even though I speak English quite well I have no idea what this song is about. Guess you need some artistic person with a good knowledge of English Smily "smilesmile"


You can't base your life on other people's expectations.
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Beitrag #1.691 - erstellt: 22. März 2010
Is that... some Metal-ish song? I'd assume so judging by the quite *erm* weird content.

If I were to analyse those lyrics in a class-test, I'd follow this trail of thought:
IMO it could be about either a) a beloved person or b) some "higher" being (which would be the more "mysterious" option...an evidence for that could be the fact the addressee is reborn).
The lyrical I addresses that person in order to encourage him / her to "awake from the death" and always remain hopeful, in terms of "although everything sucks right now, it'll be alright" , because he / she is needed by the lyrical I ("Hold me gently, always catch me...")

back to the line you've asked about:

From far away, let your eyes shine; those who have awakened are still waiting.
(your translation here sounds just fine)
Seduce the ramparts of the night in the cast-off pile of skins left by things that now live elsewhere
"seducing" could be meant in a way of "overcome the obstacles of night", the "night" being a metaphor for a death or a place where death are kept ...something like "fight to be able to return from the death / be reborn"
the "cast-off pile of skins" would symbolize the other death bodies, and the "things that now live elsewhere" their souls

so: "Überwinde den Wall der Nacht im verstoßenen Haufen an Häuten, verlassen von dem, was jetzt woanders weilt"

okay, you might think I'm a freak for such an approach, but that'd be my idea. My English and German teachers seem to be rather fond of my analyses Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #1.692 - erstellt: 22. März 2010
Zitat von MrsKhan16:

so: "Überwinde den Wall der Nacht im verstoßenen Haufen an Häuten, verlassen von dem, was jetzt woanders weilt"

*flüster* *hüstel* Und jetzt noch mal auf Deutsch Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #1.693 - erstellt: 22. März 2010
I could try to explain...

"Überwinde den Wall der Nacht im verstoßenen Haufen an Häuten, verlassen von dem, was jetzt woanders weilt"
Kämpfe gegen die Dunkelheit / den Tod; weg von den Toten, die verlassen sind und deren Seelen jetzt weit weg sind

...better? Smily "smile"

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Beitrag #1.694 - erstellt: 23. März 2010
Zitat von MrsKhan16:
I could try to explain...

"Überwinde den Wall der Nacht im verstoßenen Haufen an Häuten, verlassen von dem, was jetzt woanders weilt"
Kämpfe gegen die Dunkelheit / den Tod; weg von den Toten, die verlassen sind und deren Seelen jetzt weit weg sind

...better? Smily "smile"

ok Smily "smilesmile" ... Ich hatts noch nie so mit der Poesie Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #1.695 - erstellt: 01. April 2010
Hey folks, how's tricks?

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Beitrag #1.696 - erstellt: 01. April 2010
Hey Pasanti. How are you? Smily "winke"

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Beitrag #1.697 - erstellt: 01. April 2010
Pretty fine mentally, physically a bit groggy. And you?

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Beitrag #1.698 - erstellt: 01. April 2010
That sounds not so good. Smily "nichtgut" I am fine. I can watch the match of Kolkata Knight Riders today and i try to translate this "stupid" songtext above you Smily "lach" I think, I will become stupid when I do this^^

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Beitrag #1.699 - erstellt: 01. April 2010
Hey ho, I'm here too ^^

People just don't understand. It's more than a car.
It's a Lifestyle; a Release; a Passion. Passion for Speed.

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Beitrag #1.700 - erstellt: 01. April 2010
Oh, I gather it's for school, right? I haven't seen it yet, but can I help you with that? I am job- and hobbyless.

edit: Bonjour, my lady ;]

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