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Forum - Thema: offtopic-thread in english (about everything)

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Thema: offtopic-thread in english (about everything)
Autor Beitrag

Beitrag #151 - erstellt: 18. November 2006
@Djarmila really?? Oh my god, that's so sweetSmily "smilesmile" Now you can't speak English, can you? It isn't true, you can speak it very well, better than me (ich bin ja eh so oder so schlecht drin Smily "lach")Smily "smilesmile" Smily "top"

David Villa & Iker Casillas (L)
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Beitrag #152 - erstellt: 18. November 2006
Zitat von Shabbo77:
Zitat von Jessica2712:
Zitat von Shabbo77:

some month ago i read a very interesting book! It calls "Rani & Sukh". its about two familiys, who hate eachother. and the children of the two familys fall in love! Oh, its realy an amazing book!
Do know someone here this book??

Sorry, never heard about it. But it really sounds like "romeo & juliet" or a bw-movie Smily "smilesmile" Smily "smilesmile" Smily "smilesmile"

Yes, i though it, too when i beginn to read the book. but its quit different at one point. it doesent have a happyend. The end of the book is very sad!!

I think, "Romeo & Juliet" doesn't have a happy end either.. Smily "smilesmile" Smily "smilesmile" But it sounds cool.

At the moment i'm reading "The white lion" from Henning Mankell. I like the book in german but in english it's a little odd.. Sometimes the plot ist really different from the german one.. Smily "silberblick"


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Beitrag #153 - erstellt: 18. November 2006
but i think french is a very difficult language!! i learn it at school and Smily "silberblick"


Lebe und denke nicht an Morgen!!!
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Beitrag #154 - erstellt: 18. November 2006
haha.. I learnt it @ scholol and forgot it the moment I left.. never had any kind of good relationship with that lang.. *lol* noo good

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Beitrag #155 - erstellt: 18. November 2006
yes, i think too!!!


Lebe und denke nicht an Morgen!!!
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Beitrag #156 - erstellt: 18. November 2006
Zitat von kajol92:
@Djarmila really?? Oh my god, that's so sweetSmily "smilesmile" Now you can't speak English, can you? It isn't true, you can speak it very well, better than me (ich bin ja eh so oder so schlecht drin Smily "lach")Smily "smilesmile" Smily "top"

Well, my English should be alright as I studied translation Smily "smilesmile"

As for books: At the moment I'm reading a book called "A short history of tractors in Ukrainian". It's a hilarious read Smily "top"


You can't base your life on other people's expectations.
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Beitrag #157 - erstellt: 18. November 2006
@ Shabbo77 & Steena: The first years were easy for me because of my teacher. But later we got a new one and i didn't liked her.. So i didn't paid attention anymore and my notes got worse.. Smily "tutmirleid" But in my Abitur i got a 2 so it was ok anyway..
But now i bet i couldn't even order some food.. Smily "silberblick"


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Beitrag #158 - erstellt: 18. November 2006
yes, when i will be 23 i think i cant it too!!! In the first year it was easy but now it isnt so easy. but i have still a 3 in french.


Lebe und denke nicht an Morgen!!!
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Beitrag #159 - erstellt: 18. November 2006
Zitat von Shabbo77:
yes, when i will be 23 i think i cant it too!!!

Ouch, now i feel really old.. Smily "silberblick"

Smily "smilesmile" Smily "smilesmile" Smily "smilesmile" Smily "smilesmile"


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Beitrag #160 - erstellt: 18. November 2006
you're not, dont worry Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #161 - erstellt: 18. November 2006
Oh, thanks! Smily "thanks" That cheers me up a bit! Smily "smilesmile" Smily "smilesmile"


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Beitrag #162 - erstellt: 18. November 2006
no, please! i didnt want to say it so! sorry 23 years is nothing!!!Smily "top"


Lebe und denke nicht an Morgen!!!
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Beitrag #163 - erstellt: 18. November 2006
It's ok. Smily "smilesmile" Smily "smilesmile"

But do anyone of you have a new topic we can talk about?


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Beitrag #164 - erstellt: 18. November 2006
Zitat von Shabbo77:
but i think french is a very difficult language!! i learn it at school and Smily "silberblick"

You are right! For me it is hard to unterstand. I mean, the discussion is differenter than the writing. So I can't understand my teacher, if she is speaking france with my class Smily "smilesmile"

David Villa & Iker Casillas (L)
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Beitrag #165 - erstellt: 18. November 2006
Zitat von kajol92:
Zitat von Shabbo77:
but i think french is a very difficult language!! i learn it at school and Smily "silberblick"

You are right! For me it is hard to unterstand. I mean, the discussion is differenter than the writing. So I can't understand my teacher, if she is speaking france with my class Smily "smilesmile"

Understanding French is less difficult for me than speaking the language. I know a lot of vocabulary but my problem with that language is the grammar. I never understood when to use which past form.
But at least my French was good enough to survive in Paris and I spoke French approx 90% when trying to ask for something or in small conversations with locals. I have to admit I was quite proud of myself Smily "smilesmile"


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Beitrag #166 - erstellt: 18. November 2006
@Djarmila oh, so you are the opposite of meSmily "smilesmile" I wish I can understand this language, but I'm not sure, can't you speak English in France?

David Villa & Iker Casillas (L)
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Beitrag #167 - erstellt: 18. November 2006
French people are not very eager to learn other languages.. like American people dont see the point in learning languages since everybody in the world understands them when they speak English

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Beitrag #168 - erstellt: 18. November 2006
Zitat von Steena:
French people are not very eager to learn other languages..

Oh yes! I remember when i was in Paris with school.. It was horrible because i was in the 9th grade and two years french weren't that much.. But i survived (with the help of my teacher..Smily "smilesmile")


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Beitrag #169 - erstellt: 19. November 2006
Zitat von Steena:
French people are not very eager to learn other languages.. like American people dont see the point in learning languages since everybody in the world understands them when they speak English

Yeah, I know that most French people don't want to speak English though they know the basics. Anyway, when it didn't work out in French I tried in English and that wasn't a problem in Paris. Maybe it's different in the countryside.

As for the Americans...it's the same with the English. I've been living in the UK for 2 years and loads of the English are not speaking their own language properly so how are they to learn other languages? If I realised something in the UK it's that the students prefer going out binge drinking and partying to learning new languages. It's a shame but they think the same was as the Americans: why should I learn a new language if nearly everybody in the world understands at least a little bit English?
Fortunately there are exceptions. I was teaching a guy, Phil, German and he was really into learning German as he wants to do a placement in Hamburg this year.


You can't base your life on other people's expectations.
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Beitrag #170 - erstellt: 19. November 2006
I can only tell about australian people. as for me it seems they are very eager to learn a foreign language. so i started the "german-word-of-the-week"- phrase in the lab. every monday morning i put a note on the door of the lab with a new german expression.
last week it was "herzlichlichen glückwunsch zum geburtstag". it was so funny to listen to my colleagues trying to pronounce that sentenceSmily "smilesmile"

"Jeder ist auf seine Weise verrückt."
Schaut mal in meinem Blog vorbei:
Jede Menge lustige Erfahrungen, die ich in Australien gemacht habe!
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Beitrag #171 - erstellt: 19. November 2006
Zitat von faisal:
I can only tell about australian people. as for me it seems they are very eager to learn a foreign language. so i started the "german-word-of-the-week"- phrase in the lab. every monday morning i put a note on the door of the lab with a new german expression.
last week it was "herzlichlichen glückwunsch zum geburtstag". it was so funny to listen to my colleagues trying to pronounce that sentenceSmily "smilesmile"

Yeah, I met quite a few Australians and you can't compare them to Americans or English. They are more open to the world and to learn new things. It's the same with loads of Canadians. They even hate being compared to the Americans Smily "smilesmile"


You can't base your life on other people's expectations.
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Beitrag #172 - erstellt: 19. November 2006
the nordic people are also very eager to learn foreign languages, a lot of people in Sweden and Norway for example were able to understand German (I wonder how many of them understood the conversations I had with my friend in the subway Smily "smilesmile" ) and on the net I met many Chinese for example who wanted/had to study German at their university though they might never have the chance to use it anywhere at all!

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Hilfe| Team
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Beitrag #173 - erstellt: 19. November 2006
Zitat von Steena:
the nordic people are also very eager to learn foreign languages, a lot of people in Sweden and Norway for example were able to understand German (I wonder how many of them understood the conversations I had with my friend in the subway Smily "smilesmile" ) and on the net I met many Chinese for example who wanted/had to study German at their university though they might never have the chance to use it anywhere at all!

Well, Scandinavian people have to learn other languages as they can't expect people in other countries to speak their language. But English comes quite natural to them as they learn it in school quite early and the movies on TV are not dubbed. I improved my English by watching Danish TV when I was younger. Even when you read the subtitles instead of listening conciously you still learn something. I fear that's where my dreaded American accent comes from which everybody in England insists on that I have it Smily "smilesmile"


You can't base your life on other people's expectations.
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Beitrag #174 - erstellt: 19. November 2006
wasnt it, that in Finnland English is even the second offical lang? so they need to learn it anywaysSmily "smilesmile" but Finnish in general is tricky.. they say its the hardest lang in the whole world.. well.. haha.. I couldnt even make out a difference between Swedish and Finish.. my friend always used to ask me "what do you think, Finish or Swedish?" when we heard someone talking but for me they could also have talked to each other in Spanish I might not have seen the difference (I compared her husband's Arabic with Swedish *lol*)

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Hilfe| Team
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Beitrag #175 - erstellt: 19. November 2006
maybe the australians are so open beacause their country is packed with foreign people. i mean at macquarie uni there are more asian people than australian. and it's the same when you walk though the city.
i think australia is a very nice country and i like the way they treat people from foreign countries.

"Jeder ist auf seine Weise verrückt."
Schaut mal in meinem Blog vorbei:
Jede Menge lustige Erfahrungen, die ich in Australien gemacht habe!
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Beitrag #176 - erstellt: 19. November 2006
@faisal: that could be true.. but on the other many many imigrants live in the US and still Americans dont care.. they believe that the foreigners should learn their language while they dont need to know anything about the foreigner's lang..

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Hilfe| Team
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Beitrag #177 - erstellt: 19. November 2006
well that's the opinion of most of the americans and i think it's very annoying. that's the reason why i didn't place an application to an american company. it has something to do with george bush as well, but doesn't matter.

"Jeder ist auf seine Weise verrückt."
Schaut mal in meinem Blog vorbei:
Jede Menge lustige Erfahrungen, die ich in Australien gemacht habe!
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Beitrag #178 - erstellt: 19. November 2006
Zitat von Steena:
wasnt it, that in Finnland English is even the second offical lang? so they need to learn it anywaysSmily "smilesmile" but Finnish in general is tricky.. they say its the hardest lang in the whole world.. well.. haha.. I couldnt even make out a difference between Swedish and Finish.. my friend always used to ask me "what do you think, Finish or Swedish?" when we heard someone talking but for me they could also have talked to each other in Spanish I might not have seen the difference (I compared her husband's Arabic with Swedish *lol*)

Well, Finland has a second official language but it's not English...it's Swedish. But most Finnish hate speaking Swedish.
As for the similarities of Finnish and Swedish, actually there are none Smily "smilesmile" Norwegian, Danish and Swedish are alike. I speak Danish and I can understand quite a bit of Swedish and Norwegian but Finnish is completely different. But I definitely would like to learn it though it won't be more difficult that Russian I think


You can't base your life on other people's expectations.
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Beitrag #179 - erstellt: 19. November 2006
Zitat von Djarmila:
But I definitely would like to learn it though it won't be more difficult that Russian I think

Do you really think so? I've spoken with a student from finnland and couldn't even read one word from her books.. the language is quite similar to hungarian but that's it. both languages belong to the finno-ugrian speech community whereas russian belongs to the indoeuropean languages like german, too. so i guess this would be easier to learn even if you have to learn the writing type.. Smily "smilesmile" Smily "smilesmile" Smily "smilesmile"


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Beitrag #180 - erstellt: 20. November 2006
I don't need to learn that. I know the Russian alphabet so that shouldn't be a problem. Smily "smilesmile" But as far as I recall the Russian has about 16 cases compared to our 4 so try to figure out which to use correctly in that language *gg*


You can't base your life on other people's expectations.
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Beitrag #181 - erstellt: 20. November 2006
Well, your point, I guess Smily "smilesmile" Smily "smilesmile" Smily "smilesmile"


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Beitrag #182 - erstellt: 20. November 2006
I was born in russia and i can speak the lang very well, but the gramma is really divicult!!! one time i wrote a later to my cosine in moskau. after that my mother corect the misstakes and i have nearly in every 5th or 10th word a misstake!Smily "silberblick"


Lebe und denke nicht an Morgen!!!
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Beitrag #183 - erstellt: 21. November 2006
Öhmmm Is that a Thread for Übersetzungen (keine ahnung wie das auf Englisch heißt), too? Because I need help. Can anyone make that sentence in English, please? It is from Don Smily "hehe"
Ich bin von Wildkatzen gefunden worden.
I have asked two friends but I don't understand both sentences Smily "smilesmile"
It will be really nice! (oh gott, mein Englisch ist ja total Horror Smily "silberblick" )

David Villa & Iker Casillas (L)
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Beitrag #184 - erstellt: 21. November 2006
Well, i would translate it with

I was found by wildcats

But that was very spontaneous..


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Beitrag #185 - erstellt: 21. November 2006
I thought that sentence, too. But my other Friend (Priya14) says:
i became of Kilkenny cats finding
And now, what's right? Smily "smilesmile"

David Villa & Iker Casillas (L)
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Beitrag #186 - erstellt: 21. November 2006
Jessies is right. The other sentence doesn't make much sense at all


You can't base your life on other people's expectations.
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Beitrag #187 - erstellt: 21. November 2006
Hello you there, how it goes for you thus?

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Beitrag #188 - erstellt: 21. November 2006
@Jessica2712 & Djarmila thanks for your help Smily "thanks" Smily "dankedankedanke"

David Villa & Iker Casillas (L)
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Beitrag #189 - erstellt: 21. November 2006
Why do you need to know that anyway? It's not really a sentence for everyday use Smily "smilesmile"


You can't base your life on other people's expectations.
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Beitrag #190 - erstellt: 21. November 2006
@ kajol92: No problem Smily "smilesmile"


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Beitrag #191 - erstellt: 21. November 2006
oh a english thread......very cool! Smily "smilesmile"
my english is bad but it's cool!Smily "smilesmile"

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Beitrag #192 - erstellt: 21. November 2006
@Djarmila This sentence is so sweet and I don't like sentence of "poems" (it is like a poem sentence, isn't it?) in German. In English it sounds better Smily "smilesmile"
@Jessy If I have a question, I'll ask you and Djarmila, is that ok? Smily "smilesmile"

David Villa & Iker Casillas (L)
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Beitrag #193 - erstellt: 21. November 2006
Well, are you sure that the sentence was from Don?? I always just heard him say "I'm fond of wildcats" which has a different meaning from the sentence you said. Smily "smilesmile"
And of course you can ask ;-)


You can't base your life on other people's expectations.
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Beitrag #194 - erstellt: 21. November 2006
@Djarmila Öhmm... I saw the Film with UT yesterday. And there stood "Ich bin von Wildkatzen gefunden worden." or "Ich wurde von Wildkatzen gefunden." I can't remember it like yesterday. Srk was too sexy and my eyes was only on him Smily "smilesmile" Can you say what is the meaning of "I'm found of wildcats" in German? Well, thank you Smily "thanks"

David Villa & Iker Casillas (L)
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Beitrag #195 - erstellt: 21. November 2006
Well, that happens when you watch bad German subtitles Smily "smilesmile" The translation is wrong. It is "I'm fond of wildats" which means "Ich mag Widlkatzen"


You can't base your life on other people's expectations.
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Beitrag #196 - erstellt: 21. November 2006
i havent seen that scene yet.. but I suppose its "i'm FOND of wildcats" which is pretty much the same as "i like wildcats"

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Hilfe| Team
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Beitrag #197 - erstellt: 21. November 2006
oooooooh, I hope all subtitles weren't wrong... Smily "zornig" How I say: Thank you all Smily "smilesmile" Now I am a bit cleverer : Never watch a Film with subtitle Smily "smilesmile" But if you see a film with subtitle, you can learn a bit hindi Smily "hehe"

David Villa & Iker Casillas (L)
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Beitrag #198 - erstellt: 21. November 2006
haha.. subtitles... when you start correcting them, you know there is no help anymore... Smily "smilesmile"

Ich denk an dich, seitdem ich denken kann ...

Hilfe| Team
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Beitrag #199 - erstellt: 21. November 2006
You're right Smily "lach" But really, I can a bit hindi, ok, i can't say sentence, I understand viel (was heißt das auf englisch Smily "lach" Kann das net so mit much, more usw. Smily "smilesmile" )
Now I have to go off. My mum will kill me, if she sees me hereSmily "smilesmile" ByeBye and dream sweetly @all Smily "thanks"

David Villa & Iker Casillas (L)
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Beitrag #200 - erstellt: 21. November 2006
yeah thats quite a phenomenon.. you understand a lot but arent able to say much yourself.. same with me here.. there are quite a few sentences that I am able to form on my own, while I understand pretty much while watching..

Ich denk an dich, seitdem ich denken kann ...

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