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Forum - Thema: ISB Hyderabad

Thema: ISB Hyderabad
Autor Beitrag

Beitrag #1 - erstellt: 04. April 2020
Established in 2001, the Indian School of Business is a private business institution that is associated with the Association of Advanced Collegiate Schools of Business. The institute operates two campuses, one in Hyderabad which is the main campus and the other in Mohali, Punjab.

The main campus of the institute is spread over an area of 260 acres. It comprises a recreation centre, an academic centre and four student villages for accommodation. About 140 to 250 students accommodated in the residential houses. Another campus in Mohali has 4 research institutes. They are:

Bharti Institute of Public Policy
Max Institute of Healthcare Management
Punj Lloyd Institute of Infrastructure Management
Munjal Institute for Global Manufacturing
This campus offers postgraduate programmes along with the short-term courses. The institute is in partnership with several international business schools. It majorly offers certificate programmes to the students.

ISB Hyderabad Admission Process
The institute conducts entrance exams for certificate programmes. For admission in the postgraduate diploma programme, the students are supposed to score good rankings in the GMAT or GRE entrance examination. Working professionals can also apply. They must have a good academic and professional performance isb placements.

Also, relevant work experience of about 4-5 years is required. For admission in PGP, the students are supposed to qualify the Business Aptitude Test (BAT) which is conducted by the institute. For admission to the Executive Fellow Programme in Management, the candidates are supposed to have good professional and academic performance along with a letter of recommendation and field related work experience of 8 years, minimum.

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Beitrag #2 - erstellt: 04. April 2020
Und wieder einmal unerlaubte Werbung per Link Smily "doesen" ich mache hier jetzt zu

Unterlasse das bitte in Zukunft, sonst wirst Du gesperrt.

Viele Grüße Chunni

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